Today’s five-word suggestion comes to us from Brendan.
Pirate Vannah nomming on cookies
Been a fun two weeks here at Drawn & Quintered. Have a good weekend!
Today’s five-word suggestion comes to us from Brendan.
Pirate Vannah nomming on cookies
Been a fun two weeks here at Drawn & Quintered. Have a good weekend!
Today’s five-word suggestion comes to us from Replay.
I’ve never seen that one!
When in doubt, throw in a never-before-seen Millennimal. Anybody miss the Millennimals game? Want it to come back, possibly better than ever? Let us know in the comments, or with a #mlnmls tweet @snipehuntmedia on Twitter.
Today’s five-word suggestion comes to us from Yutz.
Even Tech Support is baffled.
They had a thing called Tech Support, right? I dunno. Anyways, it’s nice to draw Fyber again.
Today’s five-word suggestion comes to us from Replay.
Dexidroid pep rally! Go team!!
Nobody pays attention to Dexidroids.
Today’s five-word suggestion comes to us from Jackanapes.
Hate shall give me wings!
Wait, is Booyar even the right spec to do this? Probably not. Whatever the case, I had some trouble deciding what to draw for this suggestion. Booyar’s mission against the Scourge is more one of mercy than of hatred, but I wanted to draw this more than I wanted to draw Mr. Jackanapes leaping across a chasm at Bobby Kotick. Besides, Booyar can hate what they do and what they stand for, even if he doesn’t hold hatred in his heart. And that, like Red Bull, has given him wings.
Today’s five-word suggestion comes to us from Jackanapes.
Seriously? Twenty dollars, for this?
The Nine Dollar Shrimp Burger came to me in a dream many years ago, and has been a popular in-joke at Snipe Hunt Media ever since. The random selection of LA Riot as the subject of this picture is interestingly fortuitous; since the “LA” in his name stands for “Louisiana”, he is in a unique position to complain about the price of shrimp.
Today’s five-word suggestion comes to us from Lark.
Hazdar reaches the mountain’s top.
I was reaching this mountain-top a long time before people could casually fly to it, I’ll tell you that for free.
Today’s five-word suggestion comes to us from Sasha Fiero.
A turtle delivers the soda.
This is from a dream I had a few nights ago. My father and I were three-legged running down a dirt road, and we had to step over a little turtle who was bringing a six-pack of soda somewhere. It was a strange little cameo, considering that the dream ended with me and my dad taking out some Columbian drug lords in a hail of machine gun fire.
Today’s five-word suggestion comes to us from FyberOptic.
Booyah’s tie is on fire.
In the Snipe Hunt Universe, there is a strong divide between luchadors who wrestle for the love of the game, and those that do it for the corporate dollars. The former is constantly being crowded out by the latter, and the burning of the tie represents a refusal to play ball with the corporations.
Today’s five-word suggestion comes to us from Señor Booyah.
Prof has a hot date.
Welcome to Drawn & Quintered. See you tomorrow.