Posted by creative on June 10, 2011 – 1:18 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from Señor Booyah.

A Bandinero!
He could be holding treasure…
Shake it, Wario!
I’ll be leaving for Snipe Con 2011 in just a few days, and as such, GLOBULORB will be taking a break for a couple of weeks. But don’t worry – we’re cooking up all kinds of ideas for videos and other bits of entertainment!
Posted by creative on June 9, 2011 – 2:10 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from Jackanapes.

My hairs stand on end…
What’s this spooky atmosphere?
It’s just so… Gastly.
I always found the snaggle-toothed, wide-eyed Gastly more goofy looking than threatening – until I imagined waking up to seeing this, the edges of my vision going blurry from lack of oxygen.
Posted by creative on June 8, 2011 – 11:22 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from Señor Booyah.

Hey, pretty lady.
You havin’ an adventure?
Let Rick help ya out!
Posted by creative on June 7, 2011 – 9:23 pm
Filed under GLOBULORB
Tagged as bob-omb, nintendo
Today’s haiku comes to us from Jackanapes.

Walking down the way
Be careful not to jostle,
Bob-omb’s fuse is short.
Posted by creative on June 6, 2011 – 4:00 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from Jeff Millennium.

Oh Samus Aran,
That is too tight of a squeeze.
Wait, where did she go?
I had a good time designing these alien plants! The hooked leaves in the upper right are designed to snag passing organisms, while delivering a numbing toxin that stops them from noticing they’ve been snagged. The grass fronds would be bio-luminescent when night falls.