Posted by creative on April 15, 2011 – 4:48 pm
Our final five-word suggestion comes to us from Fizz Man.

THE END…. or is it?
Thanks for tuning in for these past fifty doodles. I’ve had a good time drawing them and I hope you’ve had a good time looking at them. See you soon for our next recurring Snipe Blog feature… GLOBULORB!
Posted by creative on March 10, 2011 – 12:55 pm
Today’s five-word suggestion comes to us from Fizz Man.

those two are different prafs
We’ll have to kill them both, to be sure.
Posted by creative on February 11, 2011 – 12:06 pm
Today’s five-word suggestion comes to us from Sasha.

Booyah fears the skeletal chicken.
I’ll admit I got a little creeped out while I was drawing this. If you’re not familiar with it, I have a skeletal chicken sculpture by the lovely and talented Kevin Reaves that came as part of a trophy I won for a Halloween contest. I stuck it in my yard last Halloween to frighten ne’er-do-wells, and I guess it turned out that Booyah has ne’er done well, because it gives him the willies.
Posted by creative on January 18, 2011 – 12:18 pm
Today’s five-word suggestion comes to us from FyberOptic.

Booyah’s tie is on fire.
In the Snipe Hunt Universe, there is a strong divide between luchadors who wrestle for the love of the game, and those that do it for the corporate dollars. The former is constantly being crowded out by the latter, and the burning of the tie represents a refusal to play ball with the corporations.