Posted by creative on June 6, 2011 – 4:00 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from Jeff Millennium.

Oh Samus Aran,
That is too tight of a squeeze.
Wait, where did she go?
I had a good time designing these alien plants! The hooked leaves in the upper right are designed to snag passing organisms, while delivering a numbing toxin that stops them from noticing they’ve been snagged. The grass fronds would be bio-luminescent when night falls.
Posted by creative on May 20, 2011 – 8:56 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from Jackanapes.

Nothing can save us but…
Gasp! The Holy Hand Grenade!
…What do we count to?
Posted by creative on May 19, 2011 – 6:43 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from Sasha Fiero, whose birthday is today! Happy birthday, Sasha!

Pink floral patterns;
Like incense burners – koro;
Dream-eating Munna!
This is an interesting Pokémon. It’s a combination of the aforementioned “koro”, which is an incense burner (thus the smoke), and a baku, the legendary dream-eating tapir that Drowzee and Hypno are based on. I wonder if something special happens if you leave a Munna and a Drowzee at the Day Care together…
Posted by creative on May 18, 2011 – 6:44 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from MDude.

Tears through infantry.
Neotanks decide the war!
Maybe they’re too strong?
This reminds me of the Magitek suits obliterating the poor resistance soldiers of Narshe in Final Fantasy VI.
Posted by creative on May 17, 2011 – 9:32 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from Sasha Fiero.

Kapar the green duck
Clearly completely kappa
“Loosely based,” yeah right.
Kapar has perfect GLOBULORB proportions. This is the type of character I set out to draw when I started this project!
Posted by creative on May 16, 2011 – 9:56 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from Jackanapes.

Upon the ship’s bow
Stands Admiral Bobbery
Thinking of lost love.
Posted by creative on May 5, 2011 – 9:54 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from Jackanapes.

Beauty’s in its eye.
You can try to argue, if
You don’t mind dying.
Posted by creative on May 3, 2011 – 2:27 pm
Filed under GLOBULORB
Tagged as pokémon, spheal
Today’s haiku comes to us from Yutz.

It lives on the beach.
I suggest you Spheal with it.
Sunglasses just dropped.
I had to fight against my every urge to not add falling snow or aurora borealis. Sometimes an arctic scene can speak for itself!
Posted by creative on May 2, 2011 – 12:12 pm
What a week that was! Today’s haiku comes to us from Jackanapes.

How careless of them
To leave their hard hats here – OH!
Peekaboo, Metall!
I always figured a Met’s actual purpose was to be a construction robot, what with the hard-hats. I figured the little nuggets they shoot are either rivets, or some kind of welding beam. As such, I’ve suspended this guy on a girder far above the city.
Posted by creative on April 27, 2011 – 12:02 am
Today’s haiku comes to us from Señor Booyah.

My skill is unmatched.
Challenge me, and you will fail.
I am Meta Knight!
I wonder why Sakurai decided that Lolo should end up masked and vilified, keeping his white boxing gloves and losing his little tail in the process. Symbolic of bad times at HAL Laboratories?