Tag Archives: pokémon

GLOBULORB #19: Gastly

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Today’s haiku comes to us from Jackanapes.

Don't worry, kids, it's not as though Gastly can turn invisible and suffocate you in your sleep! What's that? The Pokédex says that's exactly what it does? Oh. Well, good night!

My hairs stand on end…
What’s this spooky atmosphere?
It’s just so… Gastly.

I always found the snaggle-toothed, wide-eyed Gastly more goofy looking than threatening – until I imagined waking up to seeing this, the edges of my vision going blurry from lack of oxygen.

GLOBULORB #14: Munna

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Today’s haiku comes to us from Sasha Fiero, whose birthday is today! Happy birthday, Sasha!

I couldn't decide what was in my head more as I drew this - "Dream Weaver", or sitar music.

Pink floral patterns;
Like incense burners – koro;
Dream-eating Munna!

This is an interesting Pokémon. It’s a combination of the aforementioned “koro”, which is an incense burner (thus the smoke), and a baku, the legendary dream-eating tapir that Drowzee and Hypno are based on. I wonder if something special happens if you leave a Munna and a Drowzee at the Day Care together…

GLOBULORB #9: Spheal

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Today’s haiku comes to us from Yutz.

Dumb haiku. Cute Pokémon.

It lives on the beach.
I suggest you Spheal with it.
Sunglasses just dropped.

I had to fight against my every urge to not add falling snow or aurora borealis. Sometimes an arctic scene can speak for itself!

GLOBULORB #4: Electrode

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Today’s haiku comes to us from Replay.

First you draw a circle. Then you dot the eyes. Add a great big smile, and presto! You wake up in the Pokémon Center!

Could it be a ball
Of Poké variety?
Yikes! It’s Electrode!

Drawn & Quintered #37

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Today’s five-word suggestion comes to us from MDude.

Wait, I thought Professor Hazard was a professor so he wouldn't have to deal with battlin' chumps!

Time for a Pokemon Battle!

The other three Pokémon are, of course, Beedrill, Jolteon, and Electivire. As for Eric’s team, who knows.