Tag Archives: cue

Drawn & Quintered #41

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Today’s five-word suggestion comes to us from Lark.

I thought about having the posters say NOPE, but in the end... aw, dammit, I should have made them say VIGILANCE. That's less Orwellian.

Dozing with a toothy monster.

In case you don’t know him, that’s Outrider’s dog, Poot. He’s one of those dogs that you hear about getting rescued from a dogfighting ring, but then having to be put down. Well, this titanic piebald monster survived the gas chamber, and weathered ingested poisons with naught but farts to show for it. After hearing about all that, Outrider decided this dog was tough enough to be a Soldier of Fortune.

The goon is a Cue, one of the junior members of Magic Eight’s Break Shot Gang. All initiates take the moniker “Cue” and are used to distract the police/Soldiers of Fortune while the rest of the Break Shot Gang either does the heist, or doesn’t – whether or not Cue is actually supposed to be performing the felony is decided by Magic Eight’s eight-ball staff, so there’s no pattern for Outrider to analyze.

A piece of rebar bent and jammed around Cue’s wrist into the brick wall will be enough to hold him in place while the SoF chase down the rest of the gang, and Pooter will make sure nobody frees him.