Tag Archives: ghosts

GLOBULORB #22: King Boo

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Today’s haiku comes to us from Señor Booyah.

Nothing can defeat me! Except a vacuum cleaner built by a man who speaks Ewokese!

“YIKES! It’s-a Bowser!”
The joke’s on you, Luigi!
It’s the King of Boos!

Today’s Señor Booyah’s birthday, so I figured there was no better time to draw King Boo. Booyah loves spooky games like Luigi’s Mansion. Speaking of: How did Luigi escape this flaming hellscape after sucking up the ghost that brought him there? Did he… actually die, and everything after has been an illusion?

GLOBULORB #19: Gastly

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Today’s haiku comes to us from Jackanapes.

Don't worry, kids, it's not as though Gastly can turn invisible and suffocate you in your sleep! What's that? The Pokédex says that's exactly what it does? Oh. Well, good night!

My hairs stand on end…
What’s this spooky atmosphere?
It’s just so… Gastly.

I always found the snaggle-toothed, wide-eyed Gastly more goofy looking than threatening – until I imagined waking up to seeing this, the edges of my vision going blurry from lack of oxygen.