Posted by creative on January 20, 2012 – 1:00 am
Today’s haiku comes to us from Jackanapes.

An Octorok, Link?
I don’t know about you, but…
I’m not that hungry.
This octorok is based primarily on the recent cutesy design as seen in the games Toon Link stars in. The knobs on top – which seem right to me, but that I can’t verify in any official art – are a callback to the spots on the eight-bit octorok from the original Legend of Zelda. In official artwork, as well as the renders from Ocarina of Time, the octorok is a horrifying, veiny, mutant penis monstrosity. I think I prefer this pooka-esque version.
I’ve tried to logically account for its rocks by showing it harvesting them from the base of a gravelly mountain. I find it likely that the octorok doesn’t generate rocks, but instead collects and swallows them in an effort to aid digestion. The organ used to facilitate this process is a gizzard. The things you learn growing up in the country!
Posted by creative on December 21, 2011 – 11:00 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from Sasha Fiero.

Mario and Link
Both know of the dangers of
Chain Chomp off its chain!
I believe that after two more of these, I’m going to call GLOBULORB a finished project. Head to the Snipe Board and angrily assert which two you think should close out the series!
Posted by Operations on December 6, 2011 – 10:45 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from Señor Booyah.

“YIKES! It’s-a Bowser!”
The joke’s on you, Luigi!
It’s the King of Boos!
Today’s Señor Booyah’s birthday, so I figured there was no better time to draw King Boo. Booyah loves spooky games like Luigi’s Mansion. Speaking of: How did Luigi escape this flaming hellscape after sucking up the ghost that brought him there? Did he… actually die, and everything after has been an illusion?
Posted by creative on June 10, 2011 – 1:18 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from Señor Booyah.

A Bandinero!
He could be holding treasure…
Shake it, Wario!
I’ll be leaving for Snipe Con 2011 in just a few days, and as such, GLOBULORB will be taking a break for a couple of weeks. But don’t worry – we’re cooking up all kinds of ideas for videos and other bits of entertainment!
Posted by creative on June 7, 2011 – 9:23 pm
Filed under GLOBULORB
Tagged as bob-omb, nintendo
Today’s haiku comes to us from Jackanapes.

Walking down the way
Be careful not to jostle,
Bob-omb’s fuse is short.
Posted by creative on June 6, 2011 – 4:00 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from Jeff Millennium.

Oh Samus Aran,
That is too tight of a squeeze.
Wait, where did she go?
I had a good time designing these alien plants! The hooked leaves in the upper right are designed to snag passing organisms, while delivering a numbing toxin that stops them from noticing they’ve been snagged. The grass fronds would be bio-luminescent when night falls.
Posted by creative on May 19, 2011 – 6:43 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from Sasha Fiero, whose birthday is today! Happy birthday, Sasha!

Pink floral patterns;
Like incense burners – koro;
Dream-eating Munna!
This is an interesting Pokémon. It’s a combination of the aforementioned “koro”, which is an incense burner (thus the smoke), and a baku, the legendary dream-eating tapir that Drowzee and Hypno are based on. I wonder if something special happens if you leave a Munna and a Drowzee at the Day Care together…
Posted by creative on May 17, 2011 – 9:32 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from Sasha Fiero.

Kapar the green duck
Clearly completely kappa
“Loosely based,” yeah right.
Kapar has perfect GLOBULORB proportions. This is the type of character I set out to draw when I started this project!
Posted by creative on May 16, 2011 – 9:56 pm
Today’s haiku comes to us from Jackanapes.

Upon the ship’s bow
Stands Admiral Bobbery
Thinking of lost love.
Posted by creative on April 27, 2011 – 12:02 am
Today’s haiku comes to us from Señor Booyah.

My skill is unmatched.
Challenge me, and you will fail.
I am Meta Knight!
I wonder why Sakurai decided that Lolo should end up masked and vilified, keeping his white boxing gloves and losing his little tail in the process. Symbolic of bad times at HAL Laboratories?